lighting design & installation

performative nightwalk

Slakthusområdet is Stockholm’s former meat-packing district and was part of Sweden’s major effort of standardizing and unifying a hygienic food-industry.
Slaktis has always been a bit of a weird area. Clubs, football games, butchers, administrative offices, car repair services, an auction house, a go-kart court, asylum housing: the area has seen it all and hosted all of these things at once. Now the area is being largely transformed, torn down, and renovated. What does it mean to remember our former industrial cities? Who remembers and how do we remember transitory neighborhoods like Slaktis? Monument comes from the Latin monumentum “a monument, memorial structure, statue; votive offering; tomb; memorial record” literally “something that reminds”.

Artistic Director Hanna Bargheer

Musicians The Great Learning Orchestra

Choreography Linnea Siden

pictures: Aron Pelcman