stage design, costumes
theater play based on the illustrated book by Wolf Erlbruch
Frau Meier is worried, worried about big and small things, about everything and everyone. She worries about whether there are enough raisins in the cake or whether the buttons on the coat will last. Completely unnecessary, Herr Meier thinks, and makes his wife a peppermint tea to calm her down. One day Frau Meier finds a small, naked bird in the grass. Without hesitation she rescues the tiny creature. Suddenly, all other worries seem unimportant to her. She no longer even thinks about the cake in the oven. Such a little blackbird and already so alone! Frau Meier start taking care of it. An adventurous time begins for both of them. While the bird grows bigger, Frau Meier outgrows her fears – out of love. She recklessly climbs a tree finally takes to the skies to teach a young blackbird to fly!
Premiere: October 1st 2023
running at Stadttheater Ingolstadt, Germany