Masterarbeit in Architectural Lighting Design
The role of lighting in inclusive interactive museum installations
Mein Ziel war eine interaktive Lichinstallation als immersives Erlebnis für hörgeschädigte Benutzer zu erschaffen. Für Soundforest, eine bereits existierende interaktive Musikinstallation im Museum für Darstellende Künste in Stockholm wurde ein neues Beleuchtungskonzept entwickelt, welches das Hörerlebnis durch eine Veränderung der Umgebungsbeleuchtung verstärkt – abhängig von der Interaktion der Besucher.
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Abstrakt This thesis focuses on creating an interactive installation as immersive experience for hearing-impaired user. To date, little research has been conducted especially on interactive (sound) installation for impaired visitors, particularly these visitors with hearing impairments or who are hard-of hearing. Based on literature research and a case study, a new lighting design proposal was developed for Soundforest, an interactive musical installation at Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm, Sweden. The audio-experience is enhanced ambient lighting, which alters in brightness depending on the interaction of visitors. For evaluation, a prototype was set up in the installation space and tested by one participant. The first testing leads to the assumption that the additional layer of ambient lighting can enhance the emotional experience of the visitors. The results show that the test person had great pleasure in interacting with the prototype. Still, to develop a full picture of the consequences and emotional effects, additional research is required.